Monday, June 21, 2010

Writing Prompts 6/21/10

I am having a difficult time finding my writing muse so that I can hit it over the head and go on about my business. So, I have scrounged up some writing prompts to get my mind around writing, and I hope they will be useful for you as well. Use the prompt as the beginning of your first sentence, and please post which ones, if any/all, were helpful to you. You are welcome to post the first few sentences of your writing response, if you are so inclined to do so!

1. "That last performance was..." (Write your response to any performance that you have watched recently, or write about a time you performed something in front of an audience during your adult years or childhood.) 

2. "When I woke up this morning..." (Describe a morning that you woke up feeling differently about something. It can be about a relationship, a trauma, or something abstract - like love or honor. Just write about an emotional awakening that happened after a night's sleep.) 

3. "I was not supposed to..." (Write about a time that you broke a rule, and what consequences followed.)

4. "You should have..." (Write a letter to someone that broke one of your rules in the past.)

5. "I was the child that..." (Describe the kind of child you were, why you think you were like that, and if you are still that kind of person. If not, describe what/who made you change.) 

6. "Don't tell me..." (Write about a time when you were scolded for some action that you still stand behind to this day.) 
Happy Writing!

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